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treatment of biomass and compost




The treatment of biomass and compost requires a certain amount of basic knowledge and experience to ensure reliable, safe operation.


This guaranteed operation is fundamental for the feasibility of these facilities, which process products of little value. In many cases, the benefit is the savings with respect to manufacturing and maintenance costs..


We design, manufacture, install, start up and provide after-sales service to complete biomass treatment plants for different purposes.


The following equipment is most often used in biomass and compost treatment facilities:

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Molinos Afau - Treatment of Biomass and Compost - Zaragoza


Polígono Industrial Los Royales s/n - Apdo. de Correos 95 - 50750 PINA DE EBRO (Zaragoza) - SPAIN - (34) 976 16 65 52 - (34) 976 16 65 28 - Privacy Policy